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In piazza Brescia until September 10th

Sand Sculptures in Jesolo, one of the most important and oldest art projects with sand, celebrates this year its twentieth anniversary.
To celebrate the Treaty of Rome (25 March 1957), the exhibition has as main theme a figurative consideration about European culture, its origins, and its most characteristic aspects: Europe, 60 years of peace - art, culture, and history of European people.
The works represent the relevant stages of the European project recent history, starting from the important exchanges occurred between the different cultural contexts, celebrating some music icons, the important scientific innovations, and cinematographic art. 

From 22 to 31 May, piazza Brescia will be transformed into a large open air creative workshop, where the imposing sand sculptures will be realised. All the visitors will be able to follow the sand works step by step, from the first sketch to the complete work.
The work of the sculptors is supported by a team of six students of the M. Guggenheim Public Art School of Venice,directed by Prof. Marco Lorusso and coordinated by Elena Lana.
Open air exhibition. Free entrance anytime.

Inauguration: Friday 2 June

Sculptures and artists:
  • The Beatles by Baldrick, by (Richard) Buckle (UK)
  • The fall of the Berlin wall, by Susanne Ruseler (NL)
  • 60 years of Peace, by Ilya Filimontsev
  • Future dreams - the European Space Agency, by David Ducharme (CAN)
  • The creation of the Eurozone, by Radek (Radonvan) Zivney (Czech Republic)
  • The Erasmus Programme, by Joris Kivits (NL)
  • The European Monuments, by Lucinda Wierenga (USA)
  • The Cannes Film Festival, by Damon Farmer (USA)
  • CERN- European Organization for Nuclear Research, by Martijn Rijerse (NL)
  • The emblem of 60 years of peace, by Sergio dalla Mora (Jesolo-ITA)

in piazza Brescia

I Beatles

I Beatles
I Beatles
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Artistic director : Richard Varano – United States of America 
For more information: www.sultansofsand.comb


Ho to reach us:
The urban and suburban bus lines all stop at the ATVO - Azienda Trasporti Veneto orientale, of Jesolo Lido terminal, not far from piazza Brescia
For those who arrive by car, near piazza Brescia there are various payment parking areas and the free one of the Municipal Swimming Pool with access from via del Bersagliere


Information: Ufficio IAT - Informazioni ed Accoglienza Turistica
tel.  +39 0421 370601 

Ufficio Turismo del Comune di Jesolo
tel. +39 0421 359131
Email: turismo@comune.jesolo.ve.it


Source: Communication office at the Jesolo Townhall
Email: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it

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